Heruka – Chakrasamvara Initiation and Retreat May 31 to June 15 2025
Explanation of Heruka – Chakrasamvara
There are four classes of tantra in Vajrayana Buddhism. The first two classes of tantra are called Kriya Tantra and Charya Tantra. The highest class of tantra; Anuttara Yoga Tantra, was propagated in India mainly by King Indrabhuti and Mahasiddha Saraha. Among the Highest Yoga Tantras there are three classifications: father, mother and non-dual tantra.
The word Heruka has profound meaning. He means wisdom of emptiness, Ru means bliss, Ka is union, therefore, Heruka means the union of bliss and emptiness. This is our wish as practitioners; we would all like to reach and experience the union of great bliss and emptiness, the Dharmakaya – truth body.
Sahaja Heruka – Chakrasamvara is blue in colour, the right leg is extended with the foot pressing down on black Bhairava. The left leg is bent, the foot drawn in pressing on red Kalarati. He has one face and two hands, three eyes, the right hand holds a vajra and the left a bell; embracing the consort, with a crown of five dry human heads as a crown, a necklace of fifty fresh, wet human heads and adorned with the six bone ornaments. Chakrasamvara is embraced by the consort Vajrayogini, red in colour, with one face and two hands. Her right hand holds a curved knife pointed in the direction of Khechara pure land. The left holds a skullcup filled with the five nectars and embraces Heruka. She is adorned with a crown of five dry human heads, a necklace of fifty dry heads and the five bone ornaments.
Heruka- Chakrasamvara belongs to mother tantra. There are three main Mahasiddha traditions of Chakrasamvara: Luipa, Ghantapa (Drilubpa) and Krishnacarya (Nagpopa). These are the three great masters of Chakrasamvara.
We are now facing the age of the five degenerations, the teachings of Buddhism will decline, and at the same time the Highest Yoga tantra teaching will flourish more and more. This is because in this degenerate age, the negative mental states, especially of human beings, are stronger, at this time Heruka – Chakrasamvara and
Vajrayogini are manifesting fast and advancing and their awesome teachings will flourish.
Heruka – Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini are Yidam deities of all three lineages of Tibetan Buddhism Sakya, Kagyu and Gelug. According to the Gelug Tradition, we have three main Yidam deities: Guhyasamaja, the principal Yidam of father tantra,Heruka – Chakrasamvara, the principal Yidam of mother Tantra and Yamantaka,
the principal Yidam of non dual tantra. Heruka – Chakrasamvara is an emanation of Avalokiteshvara. Vajrayogini is an emanation of Prajnaparamita and Arya Tara. Guhyasamaja is an emanation of Vajrapani. Yamantaka is an emanation of Manjushri. Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang is an emanation of Heruka Chakrasamvara and the root Guru of Zasep Tulku Rinpoche and most Gelug masters.
Heruka – Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini are unique and unlike other deities in that; as times get more degenerate, to the same extent, the blessings and power of Heruka and Vajrayogini increase and come faster and more powerfully. Glorious Heruka – Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini will constantly abide wherever we live,
definitely blessing the environment and its beings. Heruka – Chakrasamvara, is often called the “ Wheel of Bliss”. This means that by embracing Chakrasamvara’s teachings and methods it can lead individuals to actualize the generation stage, the three Kayas and completion stage realizations of the channels and Chakras, Tumo and clear light and bliss which elevate the state of consciousness; ultimately paving the way to enlightenment.
The original Heruka Root Tantra states:
Whatever place is inhabited
By a yogi supreme hero
Even low caste or barbarian
That region is a favoured one
In order to care for living beings
I shall always abide there.
The Heruka teachings state:
Yogis and yoginis who have entered the path of Heruka – Chakrasamvara, are
constantly bestowed blessings, therefore, everyone who the practitioner sees,
hears, touches and so forth will obtain extensive merits.
The Root Tantra states:
By seeing, touching,
Hearing, or remembering
Heruka and Vajrayogini
One becomes liberated from non-virtues
In that itself, one should have no doubt.
By merely remembering, concentrating,
Reading, reciting the mantras on a daily basis
The enjoyment of the pure land will be obtained
Heruka – Chakrasamvara Initiation and Retreat 2025
Gaden for the West is pleased to announce that Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche will be offering initiation and retreat of Five Deity Heruka – Chakrasamvara from May 31st to June 15th 2025 in Nelson B.C. and online.
He will bestow the empowerment of Five Deity Heruka – Chakrasamvara on May 31st to June 1st 2025.
The Heruka retreat will begin on June 2nd and finish on June 15th 2025. The retreat will end with a fire Puja.
Rinpoche will give commentaries on the Five Deity Heruka generation stage and completion stages based on the commentary by his root Guru Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang and a commentary of Five Deity Heruka called “A Joyful Festival of Yoga” compiled by Zasep Rinpoche’s previous incarnation; Lama Karma Kunchog Tenzin of Zuru monastery in Tibet.
Participants in the retreat will be maintaining strict silence throughout and will be having a primarily vegetarian meals.
The prerequisites for receiving the empowerment and entering in to the retreat. You must have received teachings on Lam Rim, the gradual path to enlightenment, in the past. You must accept Zasep Tulku Rinpoche as your Vajra master.
The commitment after the empowerment will be to do Six Session Guru Yoga everyday. According to the Sakya and Gelug traditions, if you wish to receive Vajrayogini empowerment you must receive Heruka empowerment as a prerequisite, therefore, for those who wish to receive Vajrayogini empowerment in the near future, now would be a good time for you to receive this prerequisite empowerment.
Zoom Only – Suggested Donation, appreciated by May 2025: Heruka Retreat is $550-900 CAD (sliding scale).
In Person Retreat – For students who will attend the Heruka retreat in person is $1,600 CAD. Fees appreciated by May 2025. A light breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served daily. *Please know the In Person Retreat in the temple is now full. If you would like to be put on the waitlist, please email the address below.
If only attending the two day Heruka empowerment, a registration link with be available soon.
Please know at this time we do not have any spots available to stay overnight at our gompa.
Please send an email to register and any questions at this email address: gadenwest@gmail.com
All retreat information and daily schedules will be emailed by May 2025.